Comprehensive instruction for developing a BNA-modeled case management support service
This course is focused on building real-world solutions
The Parent Care Coordinator Training provides comprehensive instruction for developing a BNA-modeled case management support and training for Parent Care Coordinators. This course focuses on building real-world solutions for trainees by studying parents who have carried to term and their stories.
Study guides, written assessments, and ongoing contact with BNA's Parent Program Director ensure content mastery.

Referrals to Parent Care Coordinators will be generated by the website PrenatalDiagnosis.org, and newly trained Parent Care Coordinators will be provided with ongoing mentoring.
Increased sensitivity to the parent experience of prenatal diagnosis is provided by the inclusion of parents' stories and the insights of a presenter who has worked in the field of prenatal diagnosis for fourteen years.
This course includes the following:
Presenters include experts in medicine, trauma, grief counseling, and other fields.
The training fee provides content access for up to two staff members training as Parent Care Coordinators and administrative staff.
Topics covered include:
- Prenatal diagnosis as a traumatic event
- Prenatal testing
- Various prenatal diagnoses
- Best practices for working with the medical community
- Expanding support with volunteers and peer ministry
- Case management support
- Birth and newborn care planning
- Neonatal testing
- Prepping parents for NICU Experiences
- Prenatal grief