Care for Abortion Vulnerable Parents
Comprehensive, trauma-informed instruction for providing outreach and support to parents experiencing a prenatal diagnosis who are undecided about carrying to term.
Express Interest in RegisteringWhat does this course offer?
Most parents experiencing a prenatal diagnosis want a better option than abortion.
While overall abortion rates are falling, those associated with the news of prenatal diagnosis remain high. Studies indicate that 80% of parents who receive a serious prenatal diagnosis end the pregnancy, and documented abortion rates associated with some specific diagnoses may be 90% or higher.
However, most parents experiencing a prenatal diagnosis want a better option than abortion. Most will carry to term if offered trauma-informed care, information and support. Pro-life organizations need to develop the skills and tools most effective in providing parents with informed consent regarding the option of carrying to term.
This course offers that professional development.

This course is focused on building real-world solutions.
This course includes the following:
Topics covered include:
- Prenatal diagnosis as a traumatic event
- Prenatal testing
- The Intent and Impact of Lethal Language
- The potential unexpected consequences of existing pro-life outreach efforts
- The benefits of offering immediate comprehensive referral options and a referral resource
- Guidance for parent contact to include talking points, relevant online resources, and ongoing support